Zulu 3 - Lies

Cellphones: We can't lie anymore. 

'I'm in Toronto honey.'
'No, you're here in Brooklyn, outside 404 Broadway Avenue.'

Mama said telling lies is a no! no!  She didn’t know that liars are more successful than honest people.  Maybe she was right because of a tale about a wife who called her husband and asked him where he was.  He said he was in another province.  She told him to check his rear view mirror.  She was right behind him on the highway.

Amanga lento.
This is all lies.
Musa ukukhuluma amanga.
Stop telling lies.
Musa ukuqamba amanga.
Stop fabricating lies.
Amanga!  Amanga! Amanga!
Lies!  Lies!  Lies!
You are lying.
They are lying.
You are lying (many people)
Amanga mabi.
Lies are bad.
Ngikhathele amanga.
I’m tired of lies.

Exercise:  Do you own sentences with your colleague.


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