Comfort in Zulu

To comfort is duduza in Zulu.  Turkey cried a lot in 2016 from terror attacks and the world sent words of comfort.  Paris also received comforting words in late 2015 and early 2016 when they experienced the same pain.

Edmonton, Canada cried in October 2017 from a terror attack. Canadian politicians sent words of comfort.  London has also been hit a couple of times.  Mexico, Florida and the Caribbean are still recovering from devastation caused by nature hitting back at our greed, which does irreparable damage to the environment.

On Sunday, 1 October, more than 60 people lost their lives in a country music festival in L.A. when a gun man fired into the crowd.  Comforting words have been sent to grieving family and friends.
Women in certain cultures cry for two reasons: losing a husband, and thinking about what in-laws will do to them and their children.

Du-du-za.  The first and second parts are pronounced as in do, the third part as in Zagreb.

Duduzathina (Dudu is the short version).
A girl’s name that means the new baby is comforting us.
Duduzile (Dudu is the short version).
A girl’s name which means somebody has been comforted.
A boy’s name which means to comfort.
Si-duduza a-ba-felwe.
We comfort those that lost relatives.
Duduza i-sizwe.
Comfort the nation.
Duduza i-Edmonton.
Comfort Edmonton.
Duduza i-Turkey.
Comfort Turkey.
Duduza i-Mexico.
Comfort Mexico.
Ba-ngi-duduza nge-mali.
They comforted me with money.
A-ngazi u-kuthi ngi-nga ku-duduza kanjani.
I don’t know how I can comfort you.
Si-yo-duduza a-bakwa Jones.
We are going to comfort the Jones family.
Si-yo-duduza a-ba-kwa Gorbachev.
We are going to comfort the Gorbachev family.
Dudu-zani i-zi-ngane.
Comfort the kids.

By:  Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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