Thermometers For Waiters

It’s rough waiting tables in restaurants.  Demanding clients often leave teardrop tips that cannot buy waiters and waitresses a small cuppa coffee.

Some demands are legitimate such as a request for a baby’s high chair, but commenting on her cuteness and picking up the toy she threw on the floor are beyond the call of duty for the waiter, who still has four people to attend to in his section. 

Scrolling down your phone to show a waitress your Canadian vacation photos just because she said she’s Canadian is a waste of her time.  By the way, you commented on her accent and asked where she was born.
Other demands leave serving staff speechless.

 I asked for medium vegetable curry.  This is hot.

I asked for a medium rare steak.  This is rare.

I asked for well done eggs.  These are medium done.
I asked for chicken risotto but i don't see a chicken wing or thigh.
The solution seems to be a thermometer for servers.  If there’s a complain about the curry, the waiter will insert it to get a reading, let’s say red for hot, green for medium and orange for no spices at all.  The thermometer will also have a sharp edge that will be inserted inside steaks to satisfy doubting clients.

Folks who wait tables have stories to tell.

By:  Nonqaba waka Msimang.


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